The present and past of the Veldmeijer Family.

Wellcome to the genealogy homepage of the Veldmeijer Family. It is in the year 2000 that I began searching for the history of my mothers Family named Veltmeijer. With al the information from my mother I began searching in the Libraries of the city Hilversum. There I have found a lot of information and my search went on through the world wide web, Genlias and other sources. I gathered all the information on my computer till a familymember contacted me. His name is Joop Veldmeijer from The Hauge and he suggested to make a Web-site. As you can see here THE GENEALOGY OF THE VELTMEIJER - VELDMEIJER FAMILY. As you all know; genealogy never ends. That is why all help and suggestions are always welcome. Please react by e-mail or the gastbook. I thank everyone who helped to gather all the information. Special thanks to Joop Veldmeijer for all his time and energy to realise this web-site. And thanks to Birgitt Aurbach who supplied a lot of information.

Birgitt Aurbach...... Silvia van der Meer
